Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Great readings from

Persaudaraan Kebenaran

Almanak Selasa 25 Agustus 2009:

Karena kamu telah menyucikan dirimu oleh ketaatan kepada kebenaran, sehingga kamu dapat mengamalkan kasih persaudaraan yang tulus ikhlas, hendaklah kamu bersungguh-sungguh saling mengasihi dengan segenap hatimu. (1 Petrus 1:22)

Tuhan memanggil kita untuk membangun persaudaraan dan persahabatan selama kita hidup di dunia ini. Rasul Paulus mengatakan: sedapat-dapatnya, kalau hal itu bergantung padamu, hiduplah dalam perdamaian dengan semua orang. (Roma 12:18). Hendaklah kamu saling mengasihi sebagai saudara (Roma 12:10). Jangan hakimi dan jangan hina Saudaramu. (Roma 14:10-13). Penulis Ibrani katakan: peliharalah kasih persaudaraan (Ibr 13:1).

Namun ada yang menarik menjadi bahan renungan hari ini. Kasih persaudaraan itu adalah buah ketaatan kepada kebenaran. Rasul Petrus mengatakan hanya dengan taat kepada kebenaranlah kita sanggup mengamalkan kasih kepada saudara. Ketaatan kepada kebenaran tidak harus membuat kita jauh apalagi bermusuhan dengan saudara-saudara kita. Kebenaran sejati justru bersifat mendamaikan.

Namun sebaliknya harus kita sadari persaudaraan juga tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk mengkhianati dan meninggalkan kebenaran. Kebersamaan, kekeluargaan dan persaudaraan adalah sangat penting dan berguna namun tetap harus ditempatkan di bawah ketaatan kepada Tuhan. Artinya: kita tidak akan pernah mau melakukan yang jahat atau tidak dikehendaki Tuhan meskipun disuruh oleh keluarga, sahabat atau saudara kita sendiri.



Ya Allah karuniakanlah kami keluarga, saudara dan sahabat yang mendukung kami dalam iman dan ketaatan kepada kebenaran. Jadikanlah kami anggota keluarga dan saudara yang baik dan benar. Penuhilah hati kami dengan kasih, namun mampukanlah juga kami bersikap kritis kepada diri dan keluarga kami sendiri. Demi Kristus. AMIN.

Pdt Daniel T.A. Harahap

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Becoming a King

Hi there again are things going on these days?

So, how long is it we haven't send news in this blog? 2 months, i guess?
to be honest, I almost desperate to keep this blog up and running by my self..but, it came up in my mind these several days, that we still need to keep intouch...we need to write each other more oftenly.

What I wanna share you guys today is about the process of become a king of our life.

I read bible about David history in the last few weeks.
I was wondering how old did God All Mighty blessed David as the king for Israel (1Sam 16:13). I couldn't find any sentences mention about it. It just said that he became king of Israel when he was 30 years old. But he already became king of Judah for 7 years 6 months before. And we was going to lots of wars and won them all long time before. The first time we won the war was by beatting Goliat the Philistine, and he was ruddy (bhs: wajah kemerah-merahan). So we was so...young..!!

And look what had God done to make him king. He was not really become the king of Israel on the day he was blessed to be. He needed to serve the present king, Saul, first, then won lots of war on Saul's kingdom, then he needed to flee from Saul. We all know what flee means, right? It's not just simple run, but running in rush (bahasa: lari, melarikan diri terbirit-birit). If he is a king, as he was blessed to be, why should he flee? That's seems not right to me.

But look, one thing interesting here, now God started to trained David as a real king. When he was young in the wilderness, he was a shepherd of few sheeps (two three sheeps, 1 Sam 17:28), then in the runs David became the king of his family and those who was in distress, in debt, and discontented in amount of 400 men (1Sam 22:2). And God trained him with all the consequences as a king before made him king of Judah then become the king of Israel.

So, guys...I learned lots from this. God might gave us heart of a worker, god of a teacher, god of a business-person, and He really mean it. He is willing and going to make us one of our dreams. But we all need to be trained, need to be purified. We need to learn all things that we need to have becoming one of our dreams. David wasn't trained in a class room, or a small places to became a king.
David was trained in a real life. And so do we. You and I need to live what we have now.

One thing made different as David knew that if he stayed and live with Saul he would died and the blessing prophesy of he becoming a king would never happen. We might also have the same experience of our present living conditions that would not take us to be one of what God has given us in our heart. If that so, then we need to take what ever chance to start living on our dreams. Take a small step. Take a small tiny forward step, go for your dream.

If you dream to become an IT Expert, start taking IT courses/books and make life experince to implement what you are learning of, make a software or a system. If you dreaming to live as a teacher, get experience to teach with a greater result for you your selfs and others, creat a class of several students and start teaching. If you dream to become a Sales Persons, take courses on it, read books about sales, find product to sale and sale them.
In the God Holy Name, Jesus, we would become the one that God had already pointed us to be.

Great dream for you all, God bless our dreams, and let's go for it!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Missing you guys...

Hi, hi....any body around..????

Sunday, March 22, 2009

Hi there...

Andi...Nice to hear from you, bro..
From me, it's been quite sometimes I can't get an interrnet connections. I had it but it's a very slow one, though...
I just got back to the field and get fast access to internet.

So, first of all...I created another blog, just for your information..., where I collect any vacant job for Oil & Gas Company, where I collect scholarship offers localy and globaly.
...any of you might interesting.

Hm..that's all for now, great fellows.


Hi All

There you go... my first entry to this blog!

Actually I wanted to have a better thing to say for my, lets say, debut article, but I guess it's more important to keep the blog alive at the moment (almost a month with no postings at all). And anyway, that's just me, keeping it simple, keeping it clear.

And then a bit more about myself: undergraduate student (still), majoring in IT, and currently a TA for the subject (computer) networking. So don't be alarmed if sometimes I got too nerdy or giving too much details. (and, to be honest I'm better at computer networking than in human networking).

Well, see you when I see you!

Monday, February 23, 2009

Do you wanna try to get scholarship ?

Hi there... As for your info, i have applied some scholarships in AMINEF (American Indonesian Exchange Foundation), Ford Foundation, NFP (Netherland Fellowship Program) and ADS (Australian Development Scholarship). You can search their website in google and see the opening date and the education program (bachelor / master). Of course, i apply for Master Degree. When i got interview chance with ADS, at first, i am interested in Early Childhood Care and Development (children 0-6years old). I want to implement ECCD in Papua.
But now, i want to try development/social work.
My suggestion for you :
1. To be consistent in your choice of study is really important.
From my learning process, i found that to be important.
2. Be good in your english.
No need to be good, achieve standard point.
3. Make sure your study will affect community's life.
They want to make sure that you are willing to be back in Indonesia, not stay in abroad. Because the main reason you are sent is to develop your own country.

Well, to let you know, my master course is postponed. I do not get scholarship for 2010.
But,i still hope that i can get my master to develop my potentials and help others.

Gbu all

Friday, February 13, 2009

Sun shine on the beach

Yow, are you doing today?
You know what....I'm freaking addicted to the word DREAMING this lately. I have another thing to share with you guys about it, again...
Let's imaging a place call 'beach'. Imagine of a sun set on the beach.

Since we were in Yogya, let's take an example of a beach...let say Krakal, or Parang Kusumo, but not Parangtritis since I don't like Parangtritis to be honest with you...I just don't like it!! hehehehe...
Okay, back to the topic..
So, for me..there are three main things in here. Sun, sea(water), people on the beach.
I'm assuming that the Sun is our dream. You all remember old maxim (=pepatah) saying 'Rise your dream as high as the stars up on the sky' right? Since the Sun is one of them, so..the Sun really our dream. The sea is our self, and people on the beach are the others (family, friends, co-workers, every body else but us).
Talking about goal/dream achievement is like REFLECTING SUN SHINE by THE SEA WATER.
Reflecting the sun shine is to let every body enjoying our dream. So to achieve our dream is by serving other peole to enjoy our dream/goal. Many of us hardly achieve our dream, since what we're always thinking of is our self. We focus to reach out our dream for our own, not to serve other people.
Achieve our dream is as simple as reflecting sun shine on sea water on the beach.
Sun shine is free..But with this free litle thing, we know what the sea planned to serve people using the sun shine, look what we could get from the sea, out of enjoyable scenery : fish, salt, vapour, oyster, minerals, etc.
our dream is free..And we can serve other people with this free litle thing, we call our dream, also..we would get and give more than we could expected. We could serve people more than what we're dreamed of..!!

I know that sometimes there would be cloudy season or even rainy or even worse storm season, where we couldn't reflect our dream for others, but when we're standstill on our dream, keep serving others with the dream we have...then for sure people could enjoy and be pleased for the dream we share.

Again fellows...keep dreaming.

Best wishes for our dreams,

Sunday, February 8, 2009

4 simple things

Hi there again, great fellows...what news?
For me, it's been a freaking hot day for some days..!!! I got burned really bad on my face. That's why today I've been using small towel to cover my face. But after all...I have a wonderful days...!!

One thing I want to share you guys. Today, while me and my contractor's supervisor supervising a job, we've been talking a lot, as ussual. He's around 55 years old and had been working in construction projects offshore for almost 35 years. He started his career as a helper then become an operator, then a welder, then performing onsite supervisor. Once he owned a contractor
company and handle a construction project by him self, before going back to his home and build an oil palm farm.

One thing interesting when we're talking about achieving goals. He said we can do every thing and achieve what ever we want with 4 simple things to have in our self:
1. Discipline
We have to be strict to our self to do what ever it takes to achieve our goal. We have to force
our self to do what ever it takes and live by the rules of the path we choose a long the way
2. Fun
We have to enjoy what ever we're doing, and have fun with it. Because when we enjoy and get fun on doing something, we would love to do it without pressures and stressfulness. And when we're having fun, we would be so creative to find any solutions for problems we might have a long the way.
3. Knowledge
We have to know how to do what ever it takes to achieve our goal. So we need to educate our
self on the things we need to achieve our goal
4. Faith
We have to a sure our self, that we can achieve our goal. When there are many problems, we
still be sure that we will achieve our goal.
So, it's quite simple things, huh..???

Again, when we have a dream as our goal, we have to do something to achieve the goal, we need to work on our dream. In working on our dream, those 4 things are great key points to have for each of us.
And I would like to add one more thing out ot those 4...which is and always be...PRAY.
Pray before God, for He would be with us and bless our dreams and actions a long the way, then when we achieve the goal, we could share the bigger blessing from God to every other one we could. great wishes for our great goals,

Wednesday, February 4, 2009

work on your dreams...

Hi there, guys...what news?
I realize that all of us have perfect dreams. The thing is, can we reach out those dreams..???
I believe it's always been a great way to know successful story of a famous person who could reach out his/her dreams in life. Take an example, Michael Jordan.

You know Michael Jordan, right? You remember my high-school mates that became one of NBA stars, right??? yeah.....your right..!!! (hehehe....I wished)
okay then...the thing is did you know that he once failed to make the varsity basketball team in hissophomore year at high school..!!! And you know why? Because with 5 feet 11 inches ( 180.34 cm) tall, he was deemed to be too short. So, basicaly he was not 'allowed' to join basketball team because he was not as tall as every body else. Undeterred, he polished his skills and made the teamthe following year (after he had grown four inches in the interim).

Let me tell you, for sure we need somebody else to achive our dreams. But mostly, other people want us to be somebody new that might be not our own self. That's not good..we need to live our life as our self, so that we have to count on our own self.
To make our mark on the world may be as simple as setting our sights on the goal we want to achieve, then devoting yourself to reaching it. Devoting is not only to keep and think of our dreams, but fully giving our self (desire, effort, compassion, power, all about our self) to achive our dreams. We don't have to do it overnight (which I believe we couldn't), it can take many years.

So, guys, keep up dreaming...and then lets fighting...!!!

My best Wishes for all our great dreams,

Monday, January 26, 2009

get every body here...

hi there, guys...
how's doing there? it's been a while not saying hello to you guys, hah?
you know what, i've been thinking about this blog. to be honest, i don't think the blog would be doing any good just to waite only certain people of us to shares. i'm planning to go further by inviting all r-hkbp member & alumni to join this blog, what do you think?

the concept is still the same, we would shares every thing. about our selfs, thoughts, problems, articles, etc. we might ask present r-hkbp member to shares their plans/programs even budget. maybe any of the we, the alumni, would like to support them.

so, if any of you have some thoughts, please let me know.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

dalihan na tolu

i just finished reading topic written on about dalihan na tolu.
...manat mardongan tubu, elek marboru, somba marhula-hula...
hmm...i believe it's sounds familiar. for sure we know what the phrase talking about.
--respect the men of the families, love the women of the families, praise wife's families-- it's even stranger in english...hehehehe....but let's talk about it a little bit.
i had been many places around the countries, and never found any kind of this humanity system in any cultures. i talked about it in libya, they were amazed to the ideas behind the phrase. as we are part of a family, we need to respect every single men (father, brothers, grandfather, other man relatives) as sometimes we forgot to do that, then we need to love women (mother, sisters, grandmother)as they would serves the whole family with their love also, the last but not the least is we need to respect even more our wife's families since they were not part of our family at first but being planted into our family as one.
man...we have to be proud to call us BATAKNESS.
not saying to be exclusive, but there should be something we have to do with it. something we have to implement it in our life. we, people of this days are loosing the meaning of humanity. we need to respect others as they are part of our life.
it's not an easy thing to do, but let's just start to do it from the closest people around us, work college, school mates, neighbours, and many others.
be proud as batakness, and be proud to serve others with pure and simple heart.


hi there, i have new thought came up to me today...
as usual, wednessday is crew-change schedules. we arrived to balikpapan from anypart of the country, then drive to handil-jetty before we would go by sea-truck to the site.but today is different. i got dizzy on the way to handil-jetty. as i used to read along the way, today, i got very dizzy because of it. that's funny. something's changing.then i just stop reading and start looking around through the window.

i was just wondering, but then i realize...everything's changing in live. we couldn't hope that we would have everything would be the same forever. not our home, nor jobs, nor parents, nor friends, not even our selfs. everything will be changing time to it's not the matter of how big the changing is..but how it would be the changes got changed and how to face the changings.most of the changings are go along with decisions. as we decide to do something in live, the changing is there waiting for us. let me tell you one example..i'm so not thinking of time and money i spent before marriage, but it's one of the biggest thought now..i need to plan on things i need to have/buy, so it's a huge valley different way of thinking before and after marriage.luckily, i think changings are can be prepared. not only we could know there're changings, but also we could know what are the changings would be...we could planed it a head.seriously, we since we can plan on any decisions, we could predicts the changings that following after. then we could prepare how to face the changings.

it's not an easy process to prepare our self for the changings, but one thing for sure..and the only thing we should assure in heart..we're never be alone.we always have Jesus for every changings in life..!!!it's more than an assurance, it's some thing that already belongs to us.

Jesus Christ is already there in every single step we have and would have...!!!

keep in Christ,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

writing blog by email...

hey, guys...have i told you that we all can writing our rh-yogya blog just by sending emails..!?!?!
just write down emails, send it to, then what ever your writes in the emails will be written onto our blog!

ok then...let's write more all of us..shares your thoughts, would you?


Monday, January 5, 2009

give thanks..

you know guys, one's been long time for me not to read bible. praying is always be a great moments, but reading bible, was far from imagination!
until 2days ago. me and my wife agreed to start having family's fellowship. it's the best decision for for us in the opening new year!
so we did our fellowship at midnight's good to end the day and start the new day..

last night's reading was philippians 4:6-7 (KJV)
6-Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God
7-And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

it's saying about worries, that we should not worry on anything in our live, but let Jesus knows about all our worries, thoughts, and plans in life. tell Him NOT ONLY in praying and asking, but the most is also Give Thanks for what we already have in life...!!!
giving thanks to Jesus is more than just a pray, give thanks' the life it self!
i am give thanks, not only to have my family is in good conditions (health, living, etc), but for the plans we have in the upcoming days, months, years....!!!

we always give guys should also...!!!


Friday, January 2, 2009

happy new year....

hi there, old fellows.....

how's new year...????
anybody so excited for 2009? have you think of new plans for you life for 2009?

you know...2008 is really a great year for's a starting year...
i stepped out from 'making money jobs' into real money life..!! hehehehe....
i've been thinking, rather working for great company, i'll work to built my own great company..!!
sounds like dreaming...but i just can't think of any other options...!!
i've been thinking to built a great website..but then i remember some thing i'd learned from the old times.. that first, i should gives/shares to others, then receive my harvests after...!!
that's why i'd contacted some of you to creat a great 'youth-christian website', so we can shares with others. i'd contacted andi, mona, joice, also some other out of our groups to help us.
i tried to contact all of you, but i couldn't think of some thing new to give you guys part of the preparations..
so, if anybody would join us, you are very welcome...!!!

so, tell me about you guys...anybody think of some thing new for 2009...???
