Wednesday, January 7, 2009


hi there, i have new thought came up to me today...
as usual, wednessday is crew-change schedules. we arrived to balikpapan from anypart of the country, then drive to handil-jetty before we would go by sea-truck to the site.but today is different. i got dizzy on the way to handil-jetty. as i used to read along the way, today, i got very dizzy because of it. that's funny. something's changing.then i just stop reading and start looking around through the window.

i was just wondering, but then i realize...everything's changing in live. we couldn't hope that we would have everything would be the same forever. not our home, nor jobs, nor parents, nor friends, not even our selfs. everything will be changing time to it's not the matter of how big the changing is..but how it would be the changes got changed and how to face the changings.most of the changings are go along with decisions. as we decide to do something in live, the changing is there waiting for us. let me tell you one example..i'm so not thinking of time and money i spent before marriage, but it's one of the biggest thought now..i need to plan on things i need to have/buy, so it's a huge valley different way of thinking before and after marriage.luckily, i think changings are can be prepared. not only we could know there're changings, but also we could know what are the changings would be...we could planed it a head.seriously, we since we can plan on any decisions, we could predicts the changings that following after. then we could prepare how to face the changings.

it's not an easy process to prepare our self for the changings, but one thing for sure..and the only thing we should assure in heart..we're never be alone.we always have Jesus for every changings in life..!!!it's more than an assurance, it's some thing that already belongs to us.

Jesus Christ is already there in every single step we have and would have...!!!

keep in Christ,

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