Sunday, February 8, 2009

4 simple things

Hi there again, great fellows...what news?
For me, it's been a freaking hot day for some days..!!! I got burned really bad on my face. That's why today I've been using small towel to cover my face. But after all...I have a wonderful days...!!

One thing I want to share you guys. Today, while me and my contractor's supervisor supervising a job, we've been talking a lot, as ussual. He's around 55 years old and had been working in construction projects offshore for almost 35 years. He started his career as a helper then become an operator, then a welder, then performing onsite supervisor. Once he owned a contractor
company and handle a construction project by him self, before going back to his home and build an oil palm farm.

One thing interesting when we're talking about achieving goals. He said we can do every thing and achieve what ever we want with 4 simple things to have in our self:
1. Discipline
We have to be strict to our self to do what ever it takes to achieve our goal. We have to force
our self to do what ever it takes and live by the rules of the path we choose a long the way
2. Fun
We have to enjoy what ever we're doing, and have fun with it. Because when we enjoy and get fun on doing something, we would love to do it without pressures and stressfulness. And when we're having fun, we would be so creative to find any solutions for problems we might have a long the way.
3. Knowledge
We have to know how to do what ever it takes to achieve our goal. So we need to educate our
self on the things we need to achieve our goal
4. Faith
We have to a sure our self, that we can achieve our goal. When there are many problems, we
still be sure that we will achieve our goal.
So, it's quite simple things, huh..???

Again, when we have a dream as our goal, we have to do something to achieve the goal, we need to work on our dream. In working on our dream, those 4 things are great key points to have for each of us.
And I would like to add one more thing out ot those 4...which is and always be...PRAY.
Pray before God, for He would be with us and bless our dreams and actions a long the way, then when we achieve the goal, we could share the bigger blessing from God to every other one we could. great wishes for our great goals,

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