Monday, January 26, 2009

get every body here...

hi there, guys...
how's doing there? it's been a while not saying hello to you guys, hah?
you know what, i've been thinking about this blog. to be honest, i don't think the blog would be doing any good just to waite only certain people of us to shares. i'm planning to go further by inviting all r-hkbp member & alumni to join this blog, what do you think?

the concept is still the same, we would shares every thing. about our selfs, thoughts, problems, articles, etc. we might ask present r-hkbp member to shares their plans/programs even budget. maybe any of the we, the alumni, would like to support them.

so, if any of you have some thoughts, please let me know.


Wednesday, January 7, 2009

dalihan na tolu

i just finished reading topic written on about dalihan na tolu.
...manat mardongan tubu, elek marboru, somba marhula-hula...
hmm...i believe it's sounds familiar. for sure we know what the phrase talking about.
--respect the men of the families, love the women of the families, praise wife's families-- it's even stranger in english...hehehehe....but let's talk about it a little bit.
i had been many places around the countries, and never found any kind of this humanity system in any cultures. i talked about it in libya, they were amazed to the ideas behind the phrase. as we are part of a family, we need to respect every single men (father, brothers, grandfather, other man relatives) as sometimes we forgot to do that, then we need to love women (mother, sisters, grandmother)as they would serves the whole family with their love also, the last but not the least is we need to respect even more our wife's families since they were not part of our family at first but being planted into our family as one.
man...we have to be proud to call us BATAKNESS.
not saying to be exclusive, but there should be something we have to do with it. something we have to implement it in our life. we, people of this days are loosing the meaning of humanity. we need to respect others as they are part of our life.
it's not an easy thing to do, but let's just start to do it from the closest people around us, work college, school mates, neighbours, and many others.
be proud as batakness, and be proud to serve others with pure and simple heart.


hi there, i have new thought came up to me today...
as usual, wednessday is crew-change schedules. we arrived to balikpapan from anypart of the country, then drive to handil-jetty before we would go by sea-truck to the site.but today is different. i got dizzy on the way to handil-jetty. as i used to read along the way, today, i got very dizzy because of it. that's funny. something's changing.then i just stop reading and start looking around through the window.

i was just wondering, but then i realize...everything's changing in live. we couldn't hope that we would have everything would be the same forever. not our home, nor jobs, nor parents, nor friends, not even our selfs. everything will be changing time to it's not the matter of how big the changing is..but how it would be the changes got changed and how to face the changings.most of the changings are go along with decisions. as we decide to do something in live, the changing is there waiting for us. let me tell you one example..i'm so not thinking of time and money i spent before marriage, but it's one of the biggest thought now..i need to plan on things i need to have/buy, so it's a huge valley different way of thinking before and after marriage.luckily, i think changings are can be prepared. not only we could know there're changings, but also we could know what are the changings would be...we could planed it a head.seriously, we since we can plan on any decisions, we could predicts the changings that following after. then we could prepare how to face the changings.

it's not an easy process to prepare our self for the changings, but one thing for sure..and the only thing we should assure in heart..we're never be alone.we always have Jesus for every changings in life..!!!it's more than an assurance, it's some thing that already belongs to us.

Jesus Christ is already there in every single step we have and would have...!!!

keep in Christ,

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

writing blog by email...

hey, guys...have i told you that we all can writing our rh-yogya blog just by sending emails..!?!?!
just write down emails, send it to, then what ever your writes in the emails will be written onto our blog!

ok then...let's write more all of us..shares your thoughts, would you?


Monday, January 5, 2009

give thanks..

you know guys, one's been long time for me not to read bible. praying is always be a great moments, but reading bible, was far from imagination!
until 2days ago. me and my wife agreed to start having family's fellowship. it's the best decision for for us in the opening new year!
so we did our fellowship at midnight's good to end the day and start the new day..

last night's reading was philippians 4:6-7 (KJV)
6-Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God
7-And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus

it's saying about worries, that we should not worry on anything in our live, but let Jesus knows about all our worries, thoughts, and plans in life. tell Him NOT ONLY in praying and asking, but the most is also Give Thanks for what we already have in life...!!!
giving thanks to Jesus is more than just a pray, give thanks' the life it self!
i am give thanks, not only to have my family is in good conditions (health, living, etc), but for the plans we have in the upcoming days, months, years....!!!

we always give guys should also...!!!


Friday, January 2, 2009

happy new year....

hi there, old fellows.....

how's new year...????
anybody so excited for 2009? have you think of new plans for you life for 2009?

you know...2008 is really a great year for's a starting year...
i stepped out from 'making money jobs' into real money life..!! hehehehe....
i've been thinking, rather working for great company, i'll work to built my own great company..!!
sounds like dreaming...but i just can't think of any other options...!!
i've been thinking to built a great website..but then i remember some thing i'd learned from the old times.. that first, i should gives/shares to others, then receive my harvests after...!!
that's why i'd contacted some of you to creat a great 'youth-christian website', so we can shares with others. i'd contacted andi, mona, joice, also some other out of our groups to help us.
i tried to contact all of you, but i couldn't think of some thing new to give you guys part of the preparations..
so, if anybody would join us, you are very welcome...!!!

so, tell me about you guys...anybody think of some thing new for 2009...???
