Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Great readings from

Persaudaraan Kebenaran

Almanak Selasa 25 Agustus 2009:

Karena kamu telah menyucikan dirimu oleh ketaatan kepada kebenaran, sehingga kamu dapat mengamalkan kasih persaudaraan yang tulus ikhlas, hendaklah kamu bersungguh-sungguh saling mengasihi dengan segenap hatimu. (1 Petrus 1:22)

Tuhan memanggil kita untuk membangun persaudaraan dan persahabatan selama kita hidup di dunia ini. Rasul Paulus mengatakan: sedapat-dapatnya, kalau hal itu bergantung padamu, hiduplah dalam perdamaian dengan semua orang. (Roma 12:18). Hendaklah kamu saling mengasihi sebagai saudara (Roma 12:10). Jangan hakimi dan jangan hina Saudaramu. (Roma 14:10-13). Penulis Ibrani katakan: peliharalah kasih persaudaraan (Ibr 13:1).

Namun ada yang menarik menjadi bahan renungan hari ini. Kasih persaudaraan itu adalah buah ketaatan kepada kebenaran. Rasul Petrus mengatakan hanya dengan taat kepada kebenaranlah kita sanggup mengamalkan kasih kepada saudara. Ketaatan kepada kebenaran tidak harus membuat kita jauh apalagi bermusuhan dengan saudara-saudara kita. Kebenaran sejati justru bersifat mendamaikan.

Namun sebaliknya harus kita sadari persaudaraan juga tidak boleh dijadikan alasan untuk mengkhianati dan meninggalkan kebenaran. Kebersamaan, kekeluargaan dan persaudaraan adalah sangat penting dan berguna namun tetap harus ditempatkan di bawah ketaatan kepada Tuhan. Artinya: kita tidak akan pernah mau melakukan yang jahat atau tidak dikehendaki Tuhan meskipun disuruh oleh keluarga, sahabat atau saudara kita sendiri.



Ya Allah karuniakanlah kami keluarga, saudara dan sahabat yang mendukung kami dalam iman dan ketaatan kepada kebenaran. Jadikanlah kami anggota keluarga dan saudara yang baik dan benar. Penuhilah hati kami dengan kasih, namun mampukanlah juga kami bersikap kritis kepada diri dan keluarga kami sendiri. Demi Kristus. AMIN.

Pdt Daniel T.A. Harahap

Sunday, August 2, 2009

Becoming a King

Hi there again are things going on these days?

So, how long is it we haven't send news in this blog? 2 months, i guess?
to be honest, I almost desperate to keep this blog up and running by my self..but, it came up in my mind these several days, that we still need to keep intouch...we need to write each other more oftenly.

What I wanna share you guys today is about the process of become a king of our life.

I read bible about David history in the last few weeks.
I was wondering how old did God All Mighty blessed David as the king for Israel (1Sam 16:13). I couldn't find any sentences mention about it. It just said that he became king of Israel when he was 30 years old. But he already became king of Judah for 7 years 6 months before. And we was going to lots of wars and won them all long time before. The first time we won the war was by beatting Goliat the Philistine, and he was ruddy (bhs: wajah kemerah-merahan). So we was so...young..!!

And look what had God done to make him king. He was not really become the king of Israel on the day he was blessed to be. He needed to serve the present king, Saul, first, then won lots of war on Saul's kingdom, then he needed to flee from Saul. We all know what flee means, right? It's not just simple run, but running in rush (bahasa: lari, melarikan diri terbirit-birit). If he is a king, as he was blessed to be, why should he flee? That's seems not right to me.

But look, one thing interesting here, now God started to trained David as a real king. When he was young in the wilderness, he was a shepherd of few sheeps (two three sheeps, 1 Sam 17:28), then in the runs David became the king of his family and those who was in distress, in debt, and discontented in amount of 400 men (1Sam 22:2). And God trained him with all the consequences as a king before made him king of Judah then become the king of Israel.

So, guys...I learned lots from this. God might gave us heart of a worker, god of a teacher, god of a business-person, and He really mean it. He is willing and going to make us one of our dreams. But we all need to be trained, need to be purified. We need to learn all things that we need to have becoming one of our dreams. David wasn't trained in a class room, or a small places to became a king.
David was trained in a real life. And so do we. You and I need to live what we have now.

One thing made different as David knew that if he stayed and live with Saul he would died and the blessing prophesy of he becoming a king would never happen. We might also have the same experience of our present living conditions that would not take us to be one of what God has given us in our heart. If that so, then we need to take what ever chance to start living on our dreams. Take a small step. Take a small tiny forward step, go for your dream.

If you dream to become an IT Expert, start taking IT courses/books and make life experince to implement what you are learning of, make a software or a system. If you dreaming to live as a teacher, get experience to teach with a greater result for you your selfs and others, creat a class of several students and start teaching. If you dream to become a Sales Persons, take courses on it, read books about sales, find product to sale and sale them.
In the God Holy Name, Jesus, we would become the one that God had already pointed us to be.

Great dream for you all, God bless our dreams, and let's go for it!